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my bet is you sleep walk or you go to a place where you've always wanted to be

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No. You will only die when the metaphysical cord that attaches you to your body is severed.

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Q: What happends when you astral projection and stay out of a body to long?
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How long can you be away from your body during Astral Projection?

You usually find yourself back in your body within a couple of minutes whether you want to be back or not. If you do manage to stay out longer, the experience often starts to develop dreamlike properties, and next thing you know you're sleeping normally.

Why are people drawn to astral projection?

In a metaphorical sensePeople are drawn to astral projection due to a number of things. The freedom to do anything outside the laws of physics is a common example of why astral projection is an attractive idea. Imagine being able to see your neighbourhood from above your house in potentially more clarity than in real life! Imagine being able to talk to your friends whilst you fly to another country to see what it's like, or even go back in time (you can do that!) to visit what happened long ago.At the end of the day however, nobody can force you to astral project unless your arch nemesis is a mad spiritual hypnotist who somehow thinks astral projection is a bad thing. The sky is the limit on what you think draws people to astral projection.In a literal senseBefore this is discussed you must realise that we are not our bodies, these bodies are just vehicles that exist purely to help us navigate through the physical world. Astral projection works slightly differently than manifestation (or the Law of Attraction) but it does use the same theory and technique. What I mean by that is that you are not necessarily being drawn into an out-of-body experience, part of you if not all of you goes home. That's right, even when you sleep your astral body wonders off and does its own thing, that's unless you control it yourself through technique and practise; practise, because we forgot how to do it when we incarnated in this world as a baby.I hope this helps, I incorporated two answers because I didn't quite know how you meant the question.

How long does it take to master astral projection?

It depends on the person. somepeople can master it on their third try, some may take much longer.

How to astral travel by meditation?

Astral projection (or travel) is a simple process once you overcome your fear. Place yourself in a comfortable position, do a few deep relaxation exercises and then drop into a deep meditative state. From that state you may rise (spiritually) from your body. At first you may want to simply step "out of body" with no plans to "go" anywhere. The first few times may be difficult but as long as you keep at it you should become proficient in a short time. Once you are comfortable with leaving your body, you can set your mind to wherever you choose to go and simply go there.

What does it mean if you have a freckle on your left palm?

Hello this can be good news, If it is on the palm and not on any of your fingers, and it is truly a freckle and not cancer then it means that you are destined to astral project. if you do not now what astral projection is do some research for you have a long and difficult journey ahead of you. Good Luck

What are groups of neurons send connections from the cortex deep into the brain?

These are called 'projection neurons'. The cell body in the cortex will have a long axonal projection that courses down into a subcortical region, and vice versa.

Axon is what?

An axon (or axone) is a nerve fibre which is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, which conducts nerve impulses away from the body of the cell to a synapse.

What happends after you beat Tuboo in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

You listen to this REALLY long song, then the REALLY long crredits.

What is a good rear projection system?

InFocus LP340 is a great starter for the price. It has a long bulb life also. I really like this projection system.

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What is an axiscylinder?

An axiscylinder is another term for an axis cylinder, also known as an axon, a nerve fibre which is a long slender projection of a nerve cell, and which conducts nerve impulses away from the body of a cell to a synapse.