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Q: What happends when you take opium?
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Why does your blood have no opium if you are taking opium?

opium is a latex mixture of alkaloids such as morphine, codeine and thebaine just to name a few. opium is therefore a mixture and when you take opium these drugs are metabolised into compounds such morphine. This means that if they gave you a blood test they would find morphine and other things on the same lines of that but not opium as opium is a mixture of drugs not an actual individual drug

Where did the first opium war take place?

The opium wars were never signed. Wars are declared or undeclared, not signed.

What happends you leagalize marijuana?

you can go to the police. if you have sons the police can take you your sons

Is it addiction if you have to take opium every 2nd day?


How long will it take to get opium out of your hair?

opium once ingested in the body accumulates for years. However if one is going for drug testing, there are a number of painkillers that use opium as the active substance, opium is also in poppy seeds. So small amounts of opiod should not arouse suspicion

What year did the opium war take place?

1835 and lasted till 1842

Did Robert Scott take opium tablets before dying?

This is unfounded as a fact.

How can you take opium simply for pain and not to get high?

Opium alone would not be prescribed by a doctor. An opiate derivative could be prescribed, but would have dosage directions included. Taking opium would be drug abuse and the correct amount for pain is easily calculated. Don't do it.

When did opium war happen?

There were 2 Opium Wars, the First Opium War was from 1839-1842 the Second Opium War was from 1856-1860

Is there opium in methadone?

No there is no opium in Methadone

What is the origin of opium?

opium poppies