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Medusa was seduced by Poseidon while in Athena's temple. Athena was enraged by this and took all her anger out on the beautiful Medusa. She turned Medusa into a hideous creature whose stare turned anything the stone.

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Q: What happened after the war between Athena and Poseidon?
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Why was Athena's enemy Poseidon?

The reason they were enemies is because of the war that Poseidon started.

What are Poseidon's nemisis?

Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.

What are events Athena was involved in?

I know 1 event. She and Poseidon had a war because they both wanted to be ruler of Athens. The people chose Athena, so Poseidon was mad. They battled, but Athena won.

What important myths was Poseidon in?

Here is one myth that he is in. Its the myth where Athena (Goddess of War and Wisdom) and Poseidon competed to be the patron of the Greek city Athens. Athena won the contest,though Poseidon's offering was very powerful.

Why is the olive branch one of Athena's symbols?

It's because she's not only goddess of war, but of peace as well. Also from the fight over who would be the patron of current day athens (a fight between athena and poseidon) and athena made an olive branch pop up out of the soil, and poseidon made a salt water fountain.

Which creatures Poseidon created?

Posieden's arch enimy is Athena godess of wisdon and war.

What did Athena do in the Trojan War?

Athena, in part, started the Trojan War. The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses, Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena.

Who are Athena's enimes?

PoseidonBecause she cought Poseidon with Medusa(non gorgon form) in her temple.MedusaBecause she was with Poseidon in Athena's temple so she turned Medusa in to a gorgon.ArachneBecause she believed she was better at weaving than Athena, and when they has a contest, Arachne won , so Athena turned her in to an arachnid/spider.AresBecause of the obvious sibling rivalry and because they are both gods of war. Athena for the stratigist, defending side, and Ares for the attacking, bloodthirsty side.

Which gods favored the Greeks in the Trojan War?

Athena, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestos and Thetis all sided with the Greeks.

Why did Medusa get turned into a monster?

Athena is the one that turned Medusa into the horrible creature we now know her as.

Why did Athena the Greek goddess give her name to Athens?

Athena and Poseidon both wanted to be the patron of Athens so they had a competition. Poseidon gave the city a river. At first, the people liked this . Then they realized that it was salt water and they couldn't drink it. Athena gave them an olive tree which was much more useful. They could eat the olives, make olive oil and use the wood for fire (which they could use to cook with and to keep warm). Therefore, Athena won and Athens was named after her. Athena and Poseidon have hated each other ever since the war of 1812

What religion was practiced during the Trojan War?

the Greek belief of the gods, Athena, Apollo, Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon.