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Athena, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestos and Thetis all sided with the Greeks.

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Q: Which gods favored the Greeks in the Trojan War?
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What gods helped the Greeks?

In the Trojan War Athena was the main helper of the Greeks.

How did the Greeks get inside the gates of Troy and win the Trojan war?

By saying that the Trojan horse was an offering to the gods

Which gods were involved in the Trojan War?

Greeks: Hera Poseidon Athena Hephaetus Hermes These gods and goddesses helped the greeks in the trojan war! Trojans: Apollo Artemus Aphrodite Ares These gods were on the trojans' side! hope this helped xD

What are the events of how the gods and goddesses help the Greeks and Trojan?

Athena helping the Greeks win the war by telling them to build the 'Trojan Horse'.

Who were the gods and goddesses of the Trojan war?

Apollo sent a plague on the Greeks. But he stopped Laokoon from warning the Trojans about the wooden horse. Athena is on the side of the Greeks;Aphrodite and Ares support the Trojans.The gods took great interest in the war. Poseidon, Hera, and Athena aided the Greeks, while Aphrodite and Ares favored the Trojans.Apollo was also involed in the war.

How were Gods divided during the Trojan War?

i don't know them all, these are just the ones listed in my copy of The Iliad: favored the greeks: poseidon hera athena hephaestus favored the trojans: apollo artemis aphrodite ares hermes

What was the Greeks worst war?

titans and the GodsAnswer 2:That was the war of the gods - not of the ancient Greeks. Their worst war must have been the Trojan War.

Who favored the Trojans in the Trojan War?

If you mean what gods favoured the Trojans- Aphrodite, Zeus and Apollo.

Why were the gods angry with the Greeks after the Trojan War?

The gods were mad becaue a girl was killed in a temple of gods, after it was requested that she lived.

What war gave the classical Greeks its heroic ideal and several mythological gods?

The Trojan War gave the classical Greeks it's heroic ideal and several mythological gods.

Why Did the gods take sides in the Trojan War?

The gods always took part in human enterprises. Aphrodite's son was a Trojan, so she sided with them. Athena sided with the Greeks.

What is the gift from the Greeks?

In the Trojan War? The Trojan Horse, in which the Greeks hid.