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At Friar Lawrence's cell, Romeo and Juliet were secretly married in Act 2 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." Friar Lawrence conducts the marriage ceremony in secret to help the young couple in their forbidden love.

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Q: What happened at friar Lawrence cell church?
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In romeo and Juliet what was the name of the church to be used for the marriage?

The church that was to be used for the marriage of Romeo and Juliet was called Friar Lawrence's cell, which was located within the Franciscan monastery.

Where did Romeo and Juliet meet to marry?

At Friar Lawrence's cell, which is to say, his room at the church.

Who married Juliet and romeo?

Friar Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet in his cell.

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Friar's Cell

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Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence are in Friar Lawrence's cell.

How did romeo and Juliet get married?

Friar Lawrence married them both inside his cell.

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Where does friar Lawrence hide romeo?

He hides him in his cell (apartment).

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The note was to tell Juliet to meet Romeo in the cell of Friar Lawrence. This scene was in act 2.

In what scene does Romeo and Juliet get married?

St. Peter's Church. In Verona, Italy. Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Lawrence. The marriage is carried out in secret, so it is almost certainly at his cell (mentioned several times in the play). The marriage happens off-stage (though some modern productions have them kneel before Friar Lawrence at the end of 2.6). Friar Lawrence' 'cell' is probably a small room he has at a monastery - which would be just outside the town of Verona itself. But it would be possible to imagine Friar Lawrence as an anchorite (a monk living alone) in which case the cell would be a small house (or cave) again just outside the city. Although Friar Lawrence is a Friar, he is also a priest, the priest to which all of the characters in the play regularly go to for confession. Capulet says that Juliet is to be married at St. Peter's Church, and has clearly arranged for Friar Lawrence and no other priest to perform the ceremony. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the monastery is attached to St. Peter's.

When Romeo arrives at Friar Lawrence's cell at dawn to tell him the news about Juliet it is obvious he has been awake all night Friar Lawrence thinks he has been?

With Rosaline.

Why is Friar Laurence in a cell?

In a previous scene, Capulet and Paris agreed that Paris should marry Juliet on Thursday at St. Peter's Church. However, it is the groom's job to make the arrangements with the priest, which is what he was doing at Friar Lawrence's cell. Romeo was the one to make arrangements with Friar Lawrence about his wedding to Juliet, as you will remember.