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Q: What happened between Hawaii and the us in 1890?
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Identify one geographic area that became a US possession between 1890 and 1910?

Hawaii was annexed as a territory of the United States in 1898.

What is the relationship between US and Hawaii?

Hawaii is a state in the US

What is the distance between US to Hawaii?

Hawaii is in the US. If you mean distance between the CONTIGUOUS US and Hawaii, the answer would be approximately 2500 miles

How did the US gain power in Hawaii in 1880's and 1890's?

ppinapple and sugar monopoly

What countries did the US take over in the late 1890's?

Hawaii, Guam, Philippine, Cuba

What is the differences between new zealand and Hawaii?

Hawaii is part of the US

Hawaii is the last state that was admitted into the us?

Yes, and it happened in 1959.

What are six pieces of property that America took control of between 1890 and 1905?

Between 1890 and 1905, the US seized control of at least 10 pieces of land. They are Hawaii, Wake Island, Wilkes Island, Peale Island, Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, American Samoa, and the Panama Canal Zone.

What is a significant difference between New Zealand and Hawaii?

Hawaii is part of the US.

Is hawaii the last 50 states to join the us?

Yes, and it happened in 1959.

Between 1860 and 1890 real wages in the US?

Increased by half

What happened to Hawaii and Alaska do they belong to the US?

Both of them are part of the United States of America.