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Q: What happened in japan before the samurai?
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What does a samurai work for before becoming a samurai?

A Samurai is a feudal rank in Japan. You had to be born Sumurai in order to be one.

Is a samurai sword Japanese or Chinese?

Samurai were from Japan, and the samurai sword is from Japan.

Where was a samurai warrior's homeland?

The homeland of a samurai is Tokyo or Japan.

Where were the samurai located in Japan?

samurai were the military of pre-industrial japan

What are the nouns in The Samurai of Japan were powerful warriors?

samurai, Japan, and warriors. a noun is a person (samurai; warriors), place (Japan), or thing (ex: sword)

What did the Samurai where?

Did you mean what did the samurai do and where? Because, if yes, the samurai are warriors of Japan. They are no here anymore, but they played an important role in japan history. The samurai were warriors.

What happened to the samurai after guns came to japan?

Gun came to japan in the 15th century and were used in some battle by different warlords to great effect.

Why were the samurai hired?

The samurai were "hired" to defened Japan in antiant times.

What percent of Japan are samurai's?

Samurai's no longer exist in Japan. People often practice the sword styles for special events, but there are no real Samurai left in Japan.

What is a samurai what does it do?

Samurai were famous warriors of old Japan.

What happened during the warring states period in japan history?

Powerful samurai seized control of old feudal estates

Where so samurai warriors comes from?

Samurai originated from Japan.