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Q: What happened of the Zenger and Cosby court case in NYC?
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What happen because of the Zenger and Cosby court case in colonies New York?

Almost one hundred years later, in 1735, a legal matter tested the patience of the colonists. It started when a New York newspaper criticized the governor, Sir William Cosby. Governor Cosby was very angry and ordered people to burn copies of the newspaper. He also ordered officers to arrest the newspaper's editor, John P. Zenger, for libel (writing or publishing comments that hurt a person's reputation). Zenger's lawyer, Andrew Hamilton, defended Zenger in court. Hamilton convinced the jury that Governor Cosby was wrong and the court let Zenger go. That trial resulted in freedom of the press, which would later become part of the First Amendment to the US Constitution

What did the zenger case established?

The Zenger case established freedom of press.

Where was the case of John Peter Zenger?


How might your news media different if Zenger had lost his case?

If Zenger had lost his case, my news media different about history, politics and society, and publishing now.

What did the Zenger case help establish?

freedom of the press

Why was the zenger case important?

The Zenger Case was a trial that involved the colonial government and a publisher named John Paul Zenger. He was accused of printing false information. Although the judge in the case tried to force the jury into a guilty verdict, the jury actually found Mr. Zenger to be innocent on all of the charges brought against him.

Whose trial helped establish freedom of the press?

john peter zenger... i just looked it up in my history book so 99.9% sure that's the right answer... :)

What court case said that slaves were property not people?

The court case that said slaves were property and not people was Dred Scott vs. Stanford. This case happened in 1857.

How did the trial of john peter zenger help establish freedom of the press?

John Peter Zenger's trial established freedom of the press in America.John Peter Zenger became a printer and publisher. His newspaper, the Weekly Journal, carried articles criticizing the royal governor, William Cosby. Angered by these attacks, Cosby ordered Zenger's arrest. At his trial in 1735, Zenger was defended by Andrew Hamilton of Philadelphia, one of the ablest lawyers of the time. He argued that a paper had the right to publish anything that was true. The jury ruled Zenger was not guilty, and he was freed. His case strengthened freedom of the press in the colonies.- These words are taken from a United States History publication by Paul M. Roberts and Paula A. Franklin.

What was John Peter Zenger's importance in the Revolutionary War?

The Zenger case was a hallmark liable case, wherein truth was established as a defense. In other word, if what you print is true, no matter how unflattering, if it can be proven, is printable.

What case established the precedent that true statements about public officials could not be prosecuted as libel?

The Crown v. Peter Zenger, New York, November 2, 1734

Which new york publisher prevailed in a 1734 freedom of the press case?

john peter zenger