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Q: What happened that the Celts believed that happened on this night?
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The Celts celebrated their new year which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of a gloomy winter. The festival is Halloween. What is believed that happens on this eerie night?

Actually, the Celts' holiday was called Samhain. And it was believed that dark spirits and ghosts came to the world of the living on Samhain.

What do Muslims believed happened on the night of power?

Nothing.Nothing at all.

What did the Celts believe happened the night before their new years?

They believed that, on that day, the barrier between the fairy world and the human world was thin enough to be moved between, so fairies could enter the human world and wreak their havoc.

Did the Celts believe in a version of hell?

No, they believed in reincarnation.

What did the Celts believed happened on the last day of october?

They believed that, on that day, the barrier between the fairy world and the human world was thin enough to be moved between, so fairies could enter the human world and wreak their havoc.

Who first celebrated Halloween?

It is widely believed that Celts celebrated the first Halloween.Halloween's origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celtic new year was celebrated on November 1 and they believed the night before, October 31, the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when the ghosts returned, by building bonfires and wearing costumes.

What happened when Celts died?

actually the celts did not die , instead they now live with romans . some celts died due to a war between the romans and the celts . now some people like celtic music and clothes

Who did the Celts do for Halloween?

they were slaving for them until Halloween night came,

What did te Celts believe what happened on the last day of october?

they beleived creepy stuff happened

Did the Celts believe in immortality?

The Celts believed in immortality of the soul and they were one of the first European people to hold such a belief.It was not a theory of reincarnation but a belief based on the fact that when a person died he or she simply changed worlds.This was why the Celts put not only bodies in graves but all the apputenences necesary to sustain life,the notion being that the person would need all this in the otherworld.The Celts seemed to have believed in a constant exchange of souls taking place between this world and the otherworld.Because they believed not only that a death in this world was the means of sending a soul to the otherworld but also that a death in the otherworld was a means of sending a soul to this world,the Celts are said to have mourned birth and to have celebrated death.

How did wearing masks for Halloween start?

Back in the days when the Celts and Gauls were running the British Isles and a lot of Europe, the Celts celebrated Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, believe it or not). This means "Summer's End," and it was on November 1. The Celts believed that on the night before Samhain, the veil between our world and the underworld, netherworld, world of the dead, faerie, all of these sort of twilight realms, became very thin, and that it was possible for the denizens of each to cross over into the other. Afraid of who or what they might encounter from these other worlds, the Celts wore masks to frighten away these "boogens".

Who believed that souls of the dead visited the earth every October 31st?

The ancient Celtic people believed that the souls of the dead visited the earth on October 31st during the festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. They believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, allowing spirits to roam freely among the living.