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World war 2 happened during 1942 ,Singapore,my country.My social Studies teacher said it was a frightening experience for everyone althought i did not participate it,but i felt sad for the british and innocent people whom had suffer alot like suffering by water and more.

Actually,the british could have won because they have more soldiers but the Japanese have lesser but the Japanese want to die for their country, family and friends.

The Japanese came to attack from Malaysia first.In the end,the Japanese repaired the Causeway That was blown up by the British soldiers on 31 January 1942 and crossed into Singapore.

On 11 February 1942,The Japanese reached the Bukit Timah area where fierce fighting took place.The British kept their food and weapons there.Some Chinese volunteers helped the British soldier to defend the area.In the end,the British lost the battle.Both sides suffered heavy losses.

12 February 12942,Fort Siloso at Singapore was attackedby the Japanese.The British soldiers there succeded in sinking one of the Japanese ships.

13 February 1942,A fierce battle was fought at Pasir Panjang.Together with the British soldiers,the Malay soldiers led by Lieutenant Adnan bin Saidi fought bravely againts the Japanese.These soldiers were outnumbered by the Japanese soldiers

Finaly,14 February 1942,The Japanese soldier marched into the British Military Hospital,now the Alexandra Hospital and killed the doctors,hospital staff and patients.

The End (theres actually more)

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Q: What happened to African colonies between World War 1 and World War 2?
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