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Q: What happened to Kerensky after the Russian revolution?
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What did the political party of Alexander Kerensky stand for?

Alexander Kerensky was a member of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. It was involved in the Russian Revolution.

What title and position did Kerensky have?

Alexander Kerensky was a Russian politician and lawyer. He was a prominent figure before the Russian revolution of 1917. He was for a short period of 3 months both 2nd minister of Provisional Russian government and Prime minister of Russia. His government was overthrown by Bolsheviks in October revolution.

This was overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution. It did not overthrow Tsar Nicholas II. He had already been overthrown by the February Revolution.

Who was the pro-west Russian leader following the February revolution?

There were two leaders of the Russian Provisional Government after the February Revolution. First, Prince Georgy Lvov and then Alexander Kerensky.

How did Alexander Kerensky lose support?

Kerensky lost support of the Russian people during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

What Russian was overthrown during the 1917 Russian Revolution.?

Tsar Nicholas II was the first leader overthrown as a result of the February Revolution in Russia in 1917. Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian Provisional Government was the second leader overthrown as a result of the October Revolution in 1917.

Did the American Revolution or the Russian revolution happen first?

The American Revolution happened first. It went from 1775 to 1783. The Russian Revolution happened in 1917.

What did Kerensky do?

Alexander Kerensky was the second leader of the Russian Provisional Government that had been set up after the February Revolution of 1917 forced Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne. He continued to lead the Provisional Government (PG) until Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Kerensky and the PG in the October Revolution later that year.

Which Russian revolutionary leader took control of the government November 1917?

Prince Georgi Lvov and later Alexander Kerensky led the Russian Provisional Government during the time between the two revolutions. Lvov headed it when it was first formed after the first revolution. Three months late he resigned and Alexander Kerensky took over. Three months after than Lenin and the Bolsheviks staged the October Revolution and ousted Kerensky and the entire Provisional Government.

Who is Alexandre Kerensky?

Alexander Kerensky (1881 - 1970) was a Russian Provisional Government Prime Minister

What of the following was not true at the time of the Russian Revolution?

The Russian Revolution never happened. :)

What happened in 1941 about the Russian revolution?

Germany invades Russia in 1941, but that is a long way from the Russian Revolution of 1917.