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The church was able to read The Bible and find for themselves the truth because of his work.

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He died

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Q: What happened to Luther after the reformation?
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Why did the Protestant Reformation happened?

The protestant reformation happened as a result of disagreement of various doctrines of the Catholic church. Martin Luther was instrumental in this reformation.

What happened to Luther after he was declared an outlaw in Germany?

Luther was then popularized and his ideas were spreading quickly. Lutheranism developed, which was his theses in the movement of Reformation.

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Who began the Protestant Reformation.?

Martin Luther

Who was the Father of the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther, John Calvin, and several others are recognized as the founder of the Protestant reformation. But it's mainly Martin Luther.

What era did Martin Luther's action spark?

The Reformation and the Counter Reformation

Who is credited with starting the Reformation?

The leaders of the Protestant Reformation included Martin Luther and John Calvin. Luther was the author of the Ninety-Five Theses, which is often credited as the document which sparked the reformation.

The Protestant Reformation starrted primaily becouse of the action of?

There was really more than one person who started. Of course Luther was big, but there were others who lead to the reformation, John Calvin was a contemporary of Luther, also Gutenberg inventing the printing press was a big catalyst of the reformation. In England, William Tyndale translating the new testament into English was a major even that lead to the reformation and this happened more than one hundred years before the time of Luther.

What started reformation?

Martin Luther

Who caused the reformation?

Martin Luther