

What happened to bubble up soda?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What happened to bubble up soda?
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Related questions

What substance could make a soda bubble up?

Carbon Dioxide could make a soda bubble

What will make soda bubble more?

baking soda makes it bubble it usally makes everything bubble

What happens when baking soda and club soda are mixed?

It will most likely make the substances bubble up a lot.

How does baking soda change the temperature of water?

it changes it because when you add baking soda to water it starts to bubble/boil up which mean when something bubble that mean that the temperature is rising because water boils at 100 degrees so therefor baking soda has some type of chemical that makes it bubble up

What will happen to the soda if you shake it up?

I'm sure that it would bubble up to the top and, explode.

Soda water reaction with baking soda?

the chemistry inside both things are atracted to each other and they bubble up.

What causes soda to bubble when poured on ice?

The same thing that causes soda to bubble when it is poured on almost anything.

How do you make baking soda and vinegar bubble up?

Mixing vinegar and baking soda sodium acetate is obtained and carbon dioxide is released.

Why does soda bubble?

Carbonation and/or sugar.

What happened to the baking soda when it was mixed with the soda?

it blows up from a chemical reaction

What happens if you mix melted cheese and baking soda?

it will explode because the air will react with the soda,reacting with the milk in the cheese.KABOOM.

What does CO2 do in carbonated soda?

Carbonated soda has CO2 in it because the gas make the soda bubble and fizz.