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Q: What happened to catholic priest after the reformation?
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Who was the Roman Catholic priest who began the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther began the Reformation.

Why did the Protestant Reformation happened?

The protestant reformation happened as a result of disagreement of various doctrines of the Catholic church. Martin Luther was instrumental in this reformation.

A sentence for catholic reformation?

The Catholic Reformation was a period of Catholic revival.

Who is father Emmanuel nyaumba?

A catholic priest who happened to be Parish Priest at Dodoma Catholic Cathedral-Tanzania; now working in Italy after completing his studies there.

Who is is Martin Luther?

Martin Luther was a German former Catholic priest who led the Protestant Reformation and founded Lutheranism. He lived from 1483-1546.

Why is Germany called the land of the Reformation?

because Martin Luther, generally regarded as father of the reformation, was a german catholic priest and wanted to reform the catholic church! he started this process in germany resulting in the different protestant churches we know today!

How did the Catholic reformation play in the counter reformation?

The Catholic Reformation and the counter reformation are two expressions for the same thing.

Was Christopher Columbus a Protestant?

Christopher Columbus was Catholic, and so was his country, Spain.

Who criticized the Catholic Church and launched the Protestant Reformation?

AnswerMartin Luther was a priest and professor of theology when he criticised the sale of indulgences, seeking at first only to reform the practice and to improve the governance of the Roman Catholic Church. His consequent excommunication led to the Protestant Reformation.

What did the Catholic Reformation accomplish?

The catholic reformation created a few different things. The main things that the catholic reformation created new religious orders and reform the catholic church to rejoin.

What is the political impact of the Reformation of the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe political impact of the protestant revolt was what scholars call the Counter-Reformation or the Catholic Reformation.

What is another name for the Catholic Reformation?

The Counter Reformation