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They were usually given the opportunity to opt out of duties like that.

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Q: What happened to officers who refused to kill Jews in Holocaust?
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Who did Roosevelt refuse?

President Frankllin D. Roosevelt refused the Jews from The Holocaust, so they had to go back to Europe and suffer during the Holocaust.

What were the discrimination against Catholics and Jews?

presumably you mean by the Catholics against the Jews; it was called the Holocaust. Though what happened in Yugoslavia was independent of the Holocaust, the victims are counted in with the victims of the Holocaust.

What happened to the polish Jews during the holocaust?

Most were murdered by the Nazis.

What happened to the province of Utrecht during the Holocaust?

all the jews were killed in the camps

Why is the holocaust happened?

Hitler didn't like the Jews having cream puffs

What happened to the Jews from January to July 1096 during the Holocaust?

i think they died?

Was the holocaust made up by people sympathetic to the Jews?

No. Unfortunately, it actually happened.

What was the worst thing that happened to the Jews in the twentieth century?

The holocaust (1939-1945), in which six million Jews were killed.

Where is crockow and what happened to the Jews that lived there guring the holocaust?

It's spelled Krakow, and it is in Poland. What happened to the Jews there during the Holocaust; they were first concentrated into a ghetto in the city. Then they were put in a concentration camp in the city's district of Plaszow, or to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

What happened in the Holocaust -1919-1933?

In 1919-1933 there was no German holocaust of the Jews. It began in 1941. Please see the related questions.

How were the concentration camps created in the holocaust?

They were just government-run camps that were run by military officers to take care of the captured Jews.

What happened to the non Jews during Holocaust?

They took a gun to their heads to avoid listening to you. Wow...