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They were no longer members or participants in Church life, so few people associated with them.

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Q: What happened to people to were excommunicated?
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What conflict happened with King John in 1209?

He was excommunicated by the church

What happened to excommunicated?

you are no longer able to receive the sacraments and you are in a state of mortal sin.

Galileo what happened at his trial?

he was found guilty and was excommunicated and was never aloud back. excommunicated means that you are kicked out of the church. you can buy yourself back into the church by bribing them with a lot of money.

What was it about being excommunicated that made people so afraid of it?

i smell

Who excommunicated Galileo?

The Pope excommunicated Galileo.

Was Kepler excommunicated from the Catholic church?

No, he was excommunicated from the Lutheran Church.

What made people afraid of excommunication?

When a person was excommunicated, he or she was no longer in the good graces of the Church, and certain sacraments were not available, including the mass. The person often could not be buried in sacred ground. These were important points at a time when the most important thing in the lives of many people was the salvation of their souls. But even if a person did not believe, excommunication could be a serious problem. When a person was excommunicated, others who had sworn oaths to that person could be excused from those oaths, or even excommunicated themselves for trying to support the excommunicated person. In the case of a king, this meant that members of the nobility were no longer required to support them, people who might profit from the king being deposed had an excuse to try to see that it happened, enemies were excused from treaties, and friends were not obliged to provide promised support.

What happened when King John was excommunicated?

He became King after his brother Richard I died. As Richard I left no heirs John became King.

Where did the pope excommunicated King John in 1208?

King John was excommunicated in England

What was the name for people thrown out of the church in the middle ages?

They were excommunicated. This is still a term used today.

How could Christians make sure they got to heaven before martin Luther?

Martin Luther didn't determine people got to heaven, but the Catholic Church was the entity that determined who got into heaven. If they excommunicated a person that was taken away. People were in great fear of being excommunicated by the church.

Who was the last person to get excommunicated?

I assume that you are asking about the roman catholic church. People are excommunicated daily. Abortion for example is an automatic cause of excummunication, though it can be absolved by most priests. See