

What happened to the Byzantine empire's size over time?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What happened to the Byzantine empire's size over time?
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I've changed the category of this question. Wikipedia has done an excellent job of listing all empires and the size of the landmass that was under their control. As explained in the related link, Wikipedia states: "The calculation of the land area of a particular empire is controversial." However, the two empires, the British Empire and the Mongol Empire, really stand out at the top of the list. The Russian Empire also in terms of landmasses comes to the top of the list. Generally, to build these empires took many generations of extremely aggressive regimes, so I can not specify a single leader who conquered the most land. However, in the great conquests for land, Genghis and his son, Ogedei Khan stand out in the history of empires. In terms of landmass of these empires, as indicated by Wikipedia, the top empires, had control over 20- 30 million square km. Wikipedia states the landmass of our planet is 148 million square km, so the greatest empires extended their control over ~ 20% of the planet. The more recent wars, (WW I and II), are around ~3 million square km, around 2% of the planet's land mass.

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