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Q: What happened to the Japanese Americans during the early 1940 in America Where did they go?
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What are Japanese-Americans born in America during World War 2 called?

Japs or Japanese because we didn't want them to be part of our country but some people called them Japanese-Americans or just Americans.

What other things happened to Japanese and Americans during World War 2?

Many of them had lost their homes.

How many Japanese Americans were sent to detention camps in America during WW2?

There were 110,000 - 120,000 sent to the camps during WW2.

What factors lead to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 2?

Distrust and racism led to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 2. Even families that had lived in the United States for generations were sent to camps.

Was there any Forced Relocations in America besides the Indians and the Mormons?

The Japanese Americans during World War II.

Why were so many young Japanese Americans so eager to volunteer for military service during World War 2?

because in America, Japanese americanspeople were thought of helping the Japanese armys as being spies. The Americans were going to put them all in jail, America would not let the Japanese Americans fight or anything, not even help. Then a large group of Japanese Americns stood up and they said "we want to fight for our land so that we can prove to the Americans we are loyal to our country, America."

Why were japanes Americans relocated during world war 2?

Americans began to not trust any Japanese americans. America became paranoid that they were all spies and were against this country.

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How many Japanese were living in America prior to World War 2?

Approximately 120,000 Japanese and/or Japanese-Americans lived in the US during and prior to WW2; of which over 90,000 lived in California.

Which Americans were interned during World War 2?

Japanese-Americans .

Who received an apology and money from the federal government as a result of their internment during world war 2?

Japanese Americans living in the U.S. and Hawaii.