

What happened to the Jews who lived in Kisvarda Hungary?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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9y ago

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The Jews who lived in Kisvarda, Hungary were rounded up during the Holocaust. They were sent to Auschwitz, where most of them died.

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Q: What happened to the Jews who lived in Kisvarda Hungary?
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They were turned over to the Nazis and killed or put in concentration camps

What happened during the Holocaust in the year 1943?

Hitler takes over HUngary and begins deporting 12,000 Hungarian Jews each day to Auschwitz where they are murdered.

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It's spelled Krakow, and it is in Poland. What happened to the Jews there during the Holocaust; they were first concentrated into a ghetto in the city. Then they were put in a concentration camp in the city's district of Plaszow, or to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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basically what happened in Hungary was planned. Though a ramsom was paid on behalf of the Hungarian Jews to stop the deportations, there was a certain amount of trains ordered and the deportations stopped when all of the trasports had left.

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the simple answer is that they were not, rather that they were deported from Hungary. Some Jews however may have been deported from new territories to Hungary in anticipation of joining the larger deportation away.

How many Jewish holocaust died in Hungary?

almost none. as the Hungarian action happened so late, the Germans had almost perfected how they went about collecting and deporting Jews. The Germans managed to take the 440 000 + Hungarian Jews in three months, so almost none of them died in Hungary (most of them would die in Poland).

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How many Jews died in holocoast autriala?

450,000 Jews died during the holocaust in Hungary

Did Hungary let Jews come into their country in 1939?

Between 1919 and 1945 Hungary was very antisemitic.

Did Hungarians like Jews?

As elsewhere along the Danube and in Germany, there was a widespread view in Hungary from 1918 onwards that the Jews were Communists. For most of the interwar period Hungary had institutionalized antisemitism in the form of quotas for Jews in a wide range of occupations.

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It means "Jews from Eger." That (Eger) is the name of a town in Hungary, which had a Jewish community.