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The dust bowl the occurred in prairie states which included Kansas and Oklahoma. The prairies were covered with prairie plants, mostly grass. This formed a natural sod which was rather deep. The sod kept the soil in place during times of low rainfall. When farmers came to this area they plowed up the sod exposing the soil. For this reason they were called 'sod busters'. In the 30s a large drought occurred. When winds blew, soil was picked up and blew about. More and more soil was picked up and blown about. This time was called the dirty 30s. Sometimes people would get the soil blown in their eyes and never saw again. The dirt was blown as far as Washington DC. Washington finally came up with the Soil Conservation Act. Farming practices were changed to preserve the soil. Teddy Roosevelt was President at this time.

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Q: What happened to the Okies in the dust bowl?
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Who were the Okies?

Oklahoma Dust Bowl farmers who migrated to California to find work.

Nickname given to people who moved to CA during the dust bowl?

They were known derisively as "Okies" as many of them came from Oklahoma.

The drought-stricken plains areas form which hundreds of thousands of Okies were driven during the Great Depression?

"Dust Bowl."

Why did they call some people Okies?

Okies comes from Oklahoma, a state where the Dust Bowl took full effect with its onslaught upon the people of Oklahoma. The people who moved from Oklahoma to escape the storms were thus nicknamed Okies.

What happened to pets during the dust bowl?

During the dust bowl, Your fat mother ate them all.

What were the general term used to describe dust bowl refugee?

they were called okies and they came from the southern plains around the time of the great depression looking for work most aiming for california.this was around 1930 to 1935

What happened to the lifestock during the dust bowl?

Most livestock died of starvation during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.

Who were the Okies and Arkies?

The "Okies and Arkies" were migrant farmers moving from Oklahoma (Okie), Arkansas (Arkie), and Texas to California during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl.

What was the nickname for the migrant farmers in 1930?

The Okies and it didn't matter if you were born and raised in Kansas.