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They should still be there in any Catholic Church, fourteen crosses on the walls around the perimeter of the Church. The only thing that I know that "happened" to them, is Blessed Pope John Paul II redid the classic 14 Stations with fourteen Stations from The Bible story, I suppose in a stab at ecumenism. And I have seen the Stations rewritten to be more meaningful, although I suppose that is a matter of personal taste. The school children in my parish use a "Way of the Cross" for children which I, personally find very distasteful. Also, some well-meaning liturgists have tried to add a fifteenth station for Jesus' resurrection, but this is out of place in a Lenten meditation and hardly historical. My confessor in the seminary used to say that if you couldn't say something good about someone you could always point out that they "mean well".

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What are the Stations of the Cross also referred as?

The Way of the Cross.

What are stations of the cross made of?

The Stations of the Cross are usually a series of pictures or statues. They can use any artisitic medium.

What period of time do the Stations of the Cross take place in?

The Stations of the Cross are primarily prayed on Fridays during Lent.

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The Stations of the Cross depict Our Blessed Lord carrying the cross up to His death and burial. Lent is the preparation for Christ to carry His cross, die on it, and be buried.

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Usually a "living Stations of the Cross" mean that you have live people posed acting out or portraying each Station.

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I don't think that many (if any) Protestant churches have the stations of the cross - I know Presbyterians and Baptists do not.

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The second station is Jesus accepts the cross (Jesus carries the cross).

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The Stations of the Cross are actually a private devotion, although sometimes done together in a group in the Church. As a private devotion there is no set ritual to them.

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