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Q: What happened to the drummer boys lamb when he payed his song for baby Jesus?
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What happened to the drummer boys lamb when he played his song for baby Jesus?

The lamb is resurrected

Who only had drum skills give to the baby Jesus?

There was no drummer boy in the nativity. It is all made up.

Did the baby die in the song Jesus take the wheel?

No, it means she nearly crashed and killed them, but she was saved by Jesus and when she turned around, the baby was asleep. The baby didn't even realize anything had happened. :)

What present did the Little Drummer Boy give baby Jesus?

The lyrics tell the apocryphal story of a poor young boy who, unable to afford a gift for the infant Jesus, plays his drum for the newborn with the Virgin Mary's approval.

What is the difference between baby Jesus and Jesus Christ?

There is no difference between Baby Jesus and Jesus Christ. Jesus is called Baby Jesus because He was born into this world like all of us, as a baby.

How much are baby shoes?

i payed 115 for a pair of nike shox

Who was baby Jesus?

Baby Jesus was the son of God and Mary.

What Christmas carol is based on children?

"The Little Drummer Boy" is a Christmas carol that is based on a young boy who plays his drum for the newborn Jesus as a gift. This popular song tells the story of the boy's humble offering and the special significance of his simple gift to the baby Jesus.

Who found Jesus lying in a manger?

It is not recorded that He was ever unattended. The Little Drummer Boy found him, the oxen and sheep found him, and the Three Wise Men found him. But His parents, Mary and Joseph, never 'lost' him there.

Does the baby in the king cake symbolize jesus?

Yes, the baby in the king cake represents Jesus!

What is nino Jesus?

Baby Jesus, the Christ Child

Who visited baby jesus first?

The three wise men, also known as the Magi, were said to have visited baby Jesus first after following a star to Bethlehem. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor and celebrate his birth.