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On April 29th 1942, the first of the Slovak Jews arrived at Auschwitz. They were taken to the two gas chambers and murdered. Their bodies were buried in giant pits. This was the start of the mass murders with which Auschwitz is associated - the deliberate and planned murder of, in this case, Slovak Jews.

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Q: What happened to the first Slovak Jews when they got to Auschwitz?
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It's spelled Krakow, and it is in Poland. What happened to the Jews there during the Holocaust; they were first concentrated into a ghetto in the city. Then they were put in a concentration camp in the city's district of Plaszow, or to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

How did Jews get to Auschwitz?

Jews were transferred to Auschwitz mostly by train.

What happened in 1940 at the time of the holocaust?

Auschwitz opend, It would be known to be the bloodiest place Jews were in

When did Germany start shipping Jew to Auschwitz?

They first start sending Jews to Auschwitz in February 15th 1942

When did the Nazis first start sending Jews to Auschwitz?

Jews were miinly sent to Auschwitz between 1942-1944 but some Jews were sent to Auschwitz in 1940-1941 and 1945.

How many Jews died in Auschwitz I?

Atleast 140,000 Jews died at Auschwitz I.

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The Jews who lived in Kisvarda, Hungary were rounded up during the Holocaust. They were sent to Auschwitz, where most of them died.

Are there slovak Jews?

Of course. One Slovak Jewish newsletter/journal:

What were the 2 periods of Auschwitz Birkenau during the Holocaust?

The 2 Periods of Auschwitz is: 1. the Polish Period: This period happened from Opening of Auschwitz Birkenau to February 1942. This period concede where Poles were sent to Auschwitz and used as slave labor. 2. the Jewish Period: This period happened when the first known mass transports of Jews (from Bytom) on February 15th 1942. This period is the reason why Auschwitz Birkenau is what it was known for and the complicated death toll. This date actually marks the beginning of the incorporation of Auschwitz into the program of the Final Solution.

Did German Jews go to Auschwitz?

Many German Jews were sent to Auschwitz. Others were slaughtered in Belarus and the killing fields of Latvia.

Who was sent to the Auschwitz?

Mostly Jews and Polish Jews

How many Jews were sent to Auschwitz within the first month?

None, it was used for Polish political prisoners first.