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They still exist... Just under a different name... Samoas.

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Q: What happened to the kookaburra cookies?
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What is the difference between a laughing kookaburra and a normal kookaburra?

A Laughing kookaburra IS a normal kookaburra, and the only one completely native to Australia alone. It is one of four universally recognised species of kookaburra, the others being the Blue-winged kookaburra, Spangled kookaburra and Rufous-bellied kookaburra.

Is it more correct to say What happened or What's happened?

Both "What happened" and "What's happened" are correct, but "What happened" is more commonly used in formal writing or when asking about a past event that has just occurred. "What's happened" is more casual and is used in spoken language to ask about a recent event or situation.

What kind of animal is a kookaburra?

A kookaburra is a bird - a species of kingfisher.

How does a kookaburra and how long does a kookaburra sleep?

it is unknown

Is this how you spell Kookaburra?

"Kookaburra" is the correct spelling.

How do you make a kookaburra laugh?

The kookaburra's laugh is a territorial call. People cannot make a kookaburra laugh.

What is 5 synonyms for a kookaburra?

Sorry there are no synonymous for kookaburra.

What is French for kookaburra?

"Kookaburra" in French is "un dacelo".

Why does the kookaburra have a tiger tail?

The kookaburra does not have a tiger tail.

What species of animal is the Kookaburra?

The kookaburra is a bird. Specifically, it is a kingfisher. The species name of the Laughing kookaburra is Dacelo novaeguineae.

When was Kookaburra Sport created?

Kookaburra Sport was created in 1890.