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Q: What happened to the land that was given to blacks?
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What land was promised by the Bureau to newly freed blacks?

Abandoned land was promised to the newly freed blacks.

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Arabic - "Land of the blacks". The original name of Africa. Arabic - " The land of the blacks". The original name of Africa.

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Why did some blacks move to the West?

For free land.

Why blacks were allowed to fight in the north and not the south during the US Civil War?

Many blacks did fight in the south but not as much as blacks in the north. Blacks in the south that fought were either free land owners and were fighting to keep their land, or they were slaves of owners who were drafted in the war and they fought alongside their owners.

What does the term land of the blacks stand for?

Hotep, Egypt was known as Kemet. Kemet means black, or in this case land of blacks. Furthermore, the region had various names for the inhabitants meaning black; Nubia, Cush, Ethiops or Ethiopians all means Black. These titles were usually given to the Africans by outsiders as a way to describe the region. Salaam, shalom, peace

What president was in office when blacks were given freedom?

Abe Lincoln

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What happened to blacks after world war 2?

many were still slaved

What happened to the blacks churches after the civil war?

They gained members and influence.

What happened in Georgia in response to General Sherman order that freed slaves should be given land and mule?

It was stopped by President Johnson.