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They were other forced into doing jobs for the Nazis, but if they weren't physically capable of doing so, they were either shot, or poisoned in false showers.

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Q: What happened to the people that were taken to the concentration camps?
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What day did David Bergman get taken to the concentration camps?

He was taken to the concentration camps on 1930

How many people were taken to condentration camps?

atleast 17 million people were tranfered to concentration camps.

Where were Jewish people taken when Hitler first ordered them out of their homes?

they were taken to the ghetto and then to the concentration camps

After World War 2 began Jewish people were taken into custody where Hitler had troops and placed where?

In concentration camps (death camps).

How did the Jews get around the concentration camps?

In the concentration camps, Jews and everyone else marched around the camps.

In 1940 life for Jewish people changed how and why?

by being killed, stuff being taken away from you and all of the camps of course such as: death camps concentration camps and more.

What steps did the Germans take to deport the Jews to concentration camps?

They were taken from their homes and transported in cattle cars (where they had to stand) to the concentration camps.

How many Jews were taken to the concentration camps?

7.26 million

Where Jews taken from their parents and put to work?

Concentration Camps

When did the Holocaust concentration camps get taken over by the allies?

The allies freed the camps in July 1944

Where were the frank family taken to when they were arrested?

The Frank family was taken to concentration camps when they were arrested. Anne Frank was sent to Bergen-Belsen in Germany, where she died of typhus, while her father Otto Frank survived Auschwitz concentration camp.

Does Annemarie ever gets taken to the camps in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

No. No one is taken to the concentration camps in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.