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Most of the time they were given a reward, but if in small towns they weren't always given a reward.


I do not know who would give them this reward, but they would often benefit by what the Jews left behind, be it their business, property or just items. Also they would want to show that they were loyal to the regime.

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Q: What happened to the people who betrayed the Jews in hiding?
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What happened to the Jews who did not go into hiding in the book anne frank?

Jews who did not go into hiding were caught and sent to concentration or death camps.

Which one betrayed Anne Frank?

German Dutch police asked the employee Willliam Van Marren, if any Jews were in hiding that he knew about and William told the police where the Franks were hiding.

What happened to Jews living in Nazi Germany?

there hiding from the Germans to keep safe.

How did the Green Police and Gestapo find the Jews that were hiding?

They had a list of the names of Jews and some people turned them in if they found out about them hiding.

What happened to the Jews unable to find hiding places?

They were taken to the camps to work labor and then to the execution.

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What happened to the Jews who couldn't find a hiding place?

it depends upon where they were and when it was, the closer to the end of the war, the less likely that there would be a trial. The further east it was, the less likely that the sentence would be lenient.

Did people that were hiding in the Holocaust die?

Some of the people that were hiding in the Holocaust died, while others were sent to concentration camps. Though brutal, some Jews survived.

Did christian houses get searched during the holacost?

christians help people,so they might of hiding jews from the nazis Christian houses did get searched if someone had informed on the owners, that they might have been hiding Jews.

When did German soldiers find Anne Frank?

German soldiers found Anne Frank and her family in their hiding place in Amsterdam on August 4, 1944. They were betrayed by an anonymous informer.

Why are the Franks in hiding in the Diary of Anne Frank?

they were in hiding because they were Jews and Hitler was going to kill all the Jews.

What would happened if you were found hiding jews?

The penalties varied and were not consistently applied. They ranged from a severe beating up to concentration camp and death.