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Q: What happened to the polar bodies formed during meiosis of a female diploid cell in an animal?
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What are the 3 other products of meiosis called?

The products of meiosis, besides the daughter cells, are polar bodies. In oogenesis, the polar bodies are called primary nuceli and secondary nuclei respectively.

What do polar bodies use to self destruct in meiosis?


Are polar bodies visible in a cats ovary?

No, cells in an ovary have not completed meiosis.

What do polar bodies become in meiosis?

The polar bodies will generally degrade after oogenesis. The polar bodies don't have enough resources (cytoplasm) to make it all the way to a mature oocyte. it is actually dies flippin numskull

What is the name of the occupation who preserves dead animal bodies?

People who preserve animal bodies are known as 'taxidermists'

Describe the functions of the gonads?

Gonads are testes and ovaries. Testes produce spermatozoa by spermatogenesis and ovaries produce ova by oogenesis. Spermatozoa are produced via mitosis, producing diploid primary spermatocytes, then meiosis I which produces haploid secondary spermatocytes, which are converted to spermatids by meiosis II. Spermatids become spermatozoa. For the inchoate ovum, a diploid primary oocyte forms, followed meiotically by a haploid secondary oocyte. Ovulation occurs and the secondary oocyte only becomes a true ovum after syngamy. During the process, primary polar bodies become secondary polar bodies and are all rejected. Info from Raven, Johnson, Losos, Mason, Singer. Biology 8th Edition. (2008). McGraw Hill.

How many sperm cells do females produce in meiosis?

1, the other three are discarded as polar bodies

What happens to the 4 haploid cells after meiosis?

Depends. In males all four cells become sperm. In females one becomes to oocyte while the other three become polar bodies that can provide some nutrients to the oocyte, or just dissipate depending on species.

Are Golgi bodies animal or plant cells?

Golgi bodies are in both plant and animal cells. Golgi bodies are an organelle usually found in eukaryote cells and both plant and animal cells are eukaryote.

Are fungal spores released from both sexual and asexual fruiting bodies diploid or haploid?

Yeah, good thanks mate.

Does polar body formation occur in meiosis in males?

Polar bodies are made in the female. Through the process of oogenesis, a primary oocyte goes through Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Of the four cells created, one cell gets the most cytoplasm and is more likely to survive. This egg is called the "ovum". The other three cells which are not made are called polar bodies.

What are the 3 cells that don't become eggs at the end of meiosis called?

I believe they are called Polar Bodies.