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Grand Duke Michael's wife and son were able to escape Russia with the help of the Danish government, whose royal family were part of Michael's extended family. Natasha, his wife, died in poverty in Paris in 1952. Their son, George, Count Brassov, died close to his 21st birthday after completing his university degree. He was in an auto accident.

The Grand Duke was arrested several times but the Bolsheviks removed him from the capital in the spring of 1918, sending him to Perm along with his secretary and servants. The Cheka murdered him outside of Perm after kidnapping him from his rooms. His body has never been found.

The men who killed him proudly wore the personal effects, including one who wore the grand duke's watch. Lenin received them and was proud of their having murdered the grand duke

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They were arrested, killed, and buried by the Communists. Everyone in the Royal family was killed. Many years later, their bodies were dug up, examined and proved to be the Royal family. They were given a proper funeral and burial after being positively identified.

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Q: What happened to the royal Russian family in 1917?
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