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Q: What happened to women in ancient China if they disobeyed the law?
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What happened to women in ancient China if they disobeyed their husbands?

they got punished.

What happened to the women who disobeyed the one child policy?

Well, the man is also responsible, I don't know what will happen, I suppose that a heavy penalty could be applied. China Laws are rigorous.

Who were women from Ancient China supposed to be loyal to?

The women from Ancient China are supposed to be loyal to tehir husbands

Where did men and women live in ancient China?


Role of ancient women of China?

Women in ancient China stayed at home and either watched her daughters or work in the fields.

What jobs did women do in ancient china?

the womens job in ancient china was to make silk and thats the only thing that women would do. that was the only job folr the women,

How many women were in Ancient China?

this question is unanswerable

In ancient china can women be solders?

No, like women in other ancient civilizations, their main purpose was to take care of children.

Differnece of men and women in ancient china?

men were buffer and women were skinny because men got more stuff

Name of the feet practice women had to do in Ancient China?

foot binding

Why was Wu Chao signifigant in ancient China?

She was the 1st women emperor in China in 690. This was under the T'ang Dynasty.

Men women and children in Ancient China?

What about them??? u need a proper question for a proper answer.