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Apollo8 lost radio control with earth for a while.

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Q: What happened when Apollo 8 orbited the far side of the moon?
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Have man ever seen the far side of the moon?

Yes, during the Apollo missions to the Moon, the modules orbited the Moon, affording a view all around the Moon.

Do astronauts on the far side of the moon have good radio contact with earth?

No, during the Apollo missions radio contact was cut off when astronauts orbited behind the Moon.

Is the back of the moon ever visible?

The back side of the Moon always faces away from Earth and is not visible. The Apollo 8 astronauts were the first people to view the back side of the moon directly, when they orbited the moon. The first pictures of the back side of the moon were taken by the Soviet Union's Luna 3 space probe in 1959.

What happened when Apollo passed behind the dark side of the moon?

No adverse effects were reported. However all Manned Landings were on the lighted side of the moon, possibly for better radio and Tv contact reasons. Man has never (officially) landed on the dark side of the moon. There were suggestions this did happen with the tragic Apollo l8.

What faces do the moon have?

The Moon always presents the same side of itself to Earth, thus nobody had seen the other side of the Moon (i.e. the other half) until a rocket orbited the Moon.

Have astronauts been on the far side of the moon?

No. Astronauts have orbited over the far side of the moon, but have never landed on it. The main reason is that they would be unable to communicate with Earth.

Why didnt Apollo 13 make it to the moon?

The Apollo 13 astronauts failed to land on the moon as there was a oxygen cylinder explosion in the Apollo 13, a side blew off.

Which Apollo mission to the moon nearly ended?

It was Apollo 13 that had a side which exploded while they were travelling.

Why did no Apollo missions land on the far side of the moon?

The far side of the moon is lit by the sun just as much as the near side. The true reason for landing on the near side instead of the far side has to do with communications, as we did not have comm satellites orbiting the moon during the Apollo missions. The near side was just much more practical than the far side.

What did the crew of Apollo 8 do?

They were the first humans to see the far side of the moon!

Did the Apollo moon missions land on dark or light side?

All the Apollo missions landed on the side facing earth, the light side, otherwise they would loose radio contact.

What is the name of the side of the moon that we don't see the dark side?

The Moon spins at the same rate that it orbits the Earth, keeping one face turned toward the Earth. The terms "near side" and "far side" are correct to describe the two sides of the Moon. Until the Soviet Luna 3 satellite orbited the Moon in 1959, we had no clue what the far side of the Moon looked like.