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The far side of the moon is lit by the sun just as much as the near side. The true reason for landing on the near side instead of the far side has to do with communications, as we did not have comm satellites orbiting the moon during the Apollo missions.

The near side was just much more practical than the far side.

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Q: Why did no Apollo missions land on the far side of the moon?
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Did the Apollo moon missions land on dark or light side?

All the Apollo missions landed on the side facing earth, the light side, otherwise they would loose radio contact.

Why didnt Apollo 13 make it to the moon?

The Apollo 13 astronauts failed to land on the moon as there was a oxygen cylinder explosion in the Apollo 13, a side blew off.

How many people have seen the back side of the moon?

27. These were the crew of the various Apollo missions, including the ill-fated Apollo 13, and the lunar-orbit missions from Apollo 8 on. A grand total of 12 human beings have set foot on the Moon's surface.

Why did the Apollo missions land on the lighted side of the moon?

No side of the Moon is permanently lit or dark, of course. A full Lunar day is about 29 earth days, and both sides get both night and day during it. The habit of calling the far side of the Moon, "the dark side of the Moon" has lead to this confusion. So they landed on the lit side so they could see to land and explore. They could not wait and land on the other side when it was lit a couple of weeks later, because landing on the far side of the Moon would mean they could not transmit to Earth, as the Moon itself would be in the way.

Are there any photos of the dark side of the moon?

"Dark side of the moon" isn't actually dark. The more accurate term is "far side of the moon". Both sides of the moon receive an equal amount of sunlight, per month. There are indeed a lot of photos taken of the far side. The first-ever photo of the far side of the moon was captured by the Luna 3 probe in 1959. All Apollo missions from Apollo 11 to 17 passed behind the moon, and they took photos of the far side. The attached photo is from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Related questions

Did the Apollo moon missions land on dark or light side?

All the Apollo missions landed on the side facing earth, the light side, otherwise they would loose radio contact.

Why didn't any Apollo missions land on the far side of the moon?

The far side of the moon is freezing and more hostile. And from that side they , the astronauts would not be heard or receive signals fromN.A.S.A.

Have man ever seen the far side of the moon?

Yes, during the Apollo missions to the Moon, the modules orbited the Moon, affording a view all around the Moon.

Why didnt Apollo 13 make it to the moon?

The Apollo 13 astronauts failed to land on the moon as there was a oxygen cylinder explosion in the Apollo 13, a side blew off.

How many people have seen the back side of the moon?

27. These were the crew of the various Apollo missions, including the ill-fated Apollo 13, and the lunar-orbit missions from Apollo 8 on. A grand total of 12 human beings have set foot on the Moon's surface.

Why did the Apollo missions land on the lighted side of the moon?

No side of the Moon is permanently lit or dark, of course. A full Lunar day is about 29 earth days, and both sides get both night and day during it. The habit of calling the far side of the Moon, "the dark side of the Moon" has lead to this confusion. So they landed on the lit side so they could see to land and explore. They could not wait and land on the other side when it was lit a couple of weeks later, because landing on the far side of the Moon would mean they could not transmit to Earth, as the Moon itself would be in the way.

Do astronauts on the far side of the moon have good radio contact with earth?

No, during the Apollo missions radio contact was cut off when astronauts orbited behind the Moon.

What is the craft the Apollo 13 astronauts used to land on the moon?

The first lunar landing took place in the sea of tranquility.

Are there any photos of the dark side of the moon?

"Dark side of the moon" isn't actually dark. The more accurate term is "far side of the moon". Both sides of the moon receive an equal amount of sunlight, per month. There are indeed a lot of photos taken of the far side. The first-ever photo of the far side of the moon was captured by the Luna 3 probe in 1959. All Apollo missions from Apollo 11 to 17 passed behind the moon, and they took photos of the far side. The attached photo is from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Where on the moon did the Apollo module land?

On the sea of tranquility, one of the darker patches just off cetre of the moon as we look at it. They had to land on the side facing us so that they could transmit sound and pictures clearly.

Which Apollo mission to the moon nearly ended?

It was Apollo 13 that had a side which exploded while they were travelling.

What is the first spacecraft to photograph the far side of the moon?

The Russian craft Luna 3 photographed the moon's hidden side for the first time on 7 October 1959, ten years before the first lunar landing. A total of 29 images were taken.