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nothing happened to 'all'. Depending on need, a proportion were selected for work.

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Q: What happened when Jews first arrived at the concentration camps?
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When Jews first arrived in the death camps they were given showers then put to work true or false?

false on both counts. Though this is what happened in concentration camps.

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Who were the first groups to be effected by the concentration camps?

Well technically the first groups affected by the Concentration Camps were Criminals and Political Opponents of the Nazi Party. However, the earliest and most effective group to be effected by the Concentration Camps were the Jews.

What were the first seven major camps?

Concentration camps , transit camps , forced labour camps (aka) "work camps" , and death camps.

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What happened to the prisoners when they first arrived at a concentration camp?

* At Auschwitz (from early 1942 on) the Jews were separated into fit for work and not fit for work. The latter were gassed as soon as possible, the former had to work as slave labourers. * At othe extermination camps, such as Sobibor and Treblinka, a small number of new arrivals were selected to help dispose of the corpses. * At ordinary concentration camps the newly arrived prisoners were sent off to work - as slave labour. * At some ordinary concentration camps, especially in the early days, there were 'initiation ceremonies', including severe beatings, for new arrivals.

What was different between the extermination camps and the concentration camps?

Technically all camps were within the concentration camp system, there were labour camps, transit camps and extermination camps. Concentration camps were generally intended for civillians, initially just for criminals, but gradually more types were included. Extermination camps were established about seven and a half years after the first concentration camps. They were much smaller than the average concentration camps (Auschwitz is an exception as it was both), as they only held enough inmates that were needed to opperate the gas chambers/vans and the cramatoria.

Who were the first immates of the first concentration camp?

The first inmates of Nazi concentration camps were Communists, Social Democrats and various political dissidents. (The first inmates of the first concentration camp was women and children of the Boer nation in South Africa - 1898) (There were also Spanish concentration camps in Cuba in the mid 1895s).

How many concentration camps have there been since they were first being used?

1,500 camps including subcamps

What was the difference between the concentration camp and extermination camp?

Technically all camps were within the concentration camp system, there were labour camps, transit camps and extermination camps. Concentration camps were generally intended for civillians, initially just for criminals, but gradually more types were included. Extermination camps were established about seven and a half years after the first concentration camps. They were much smaller than the average concentration camps (Auschwitz is an exception as it was both), as they only held enough inmates that were needed to opperate the gas chambers/vans and the cramatoria.

Did ghettos or concentration camps come first?

Ghettos preceded concentration camps. Concentration camps appeared during the Nazi era in Germany. Ghettos were present in the largest cities in Germany (and other large urban areas in other countries) well before that.

Who was the first religious group to be placed in nazi concentration camps?

The first religion was actually the Roma (Gypsies) to be put in concentration camps not the Jews.