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Hell happened! Millions of people died and much of Europe was destroyed. The number of Jews that were murdered by the Nazi's should be doubled or tripled to account for all the Europeans (and others) who died, including large numbers of German citizens. The Nazis perpetrated a true Holocaust, even on themselves.

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Q: What happened when the Nazis put their policies into practice?
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How the Nazis began to put their racial ideology into practice?

it didn't answer my question at all

What happened to the Jews that lived in Poland in the holocaust?

They were turned over to the Nazis and killed or put in concentration camps

What happened in a gas chamber?

Well Hitler and the Nazis didnt like Jews so they put them in the gas chamber , (told them they were having a shower )and made them get undressed. Then the Nazis released the gas and they all got killed.

Why did Nazis put there flag on the Hindenburg?

the Nazis put there flag on the Hindenburg because the nazi built that blimp and traveled into America

What happened to SOME of the Nazis who committed these war crimes?

Some, like Maria Mandel, the head of the Auschwitz Women's Camp. were put on trial, convicted and hanged.

What happened to the Nazis after the concentration camps were liberated?

If you are asking about the guards, the answer is that a few were put on trial, and some fled to Latin America, but most 'lived happily ever after'.

How many children were put to death by the Nazis?

1.5 million children were killed by Nazis.

How do you get rid of Nazis?

Put them in gas chambers.

What anti-Semitic educational policy did the Nazis put in place in the 1930s?

The Nazis implemented various anti-Semitic educational policies in the 1930s, such as excluding Jewish students and faculty from schools and universities, removing Jewish teachers from their positions, and introducing discriminatory curricula that promoted Nazi ideology and propagated anti-Semitic stereotypes. These policies aimed to indoctrinate the younger generations in Nazi ideology and exclude Jewish influence from the education system.

Where did the nazis put the jews when they died?

in elmos world

What happen to the people who spoke against the Nazis?

This would depend upon where and when. In other countries where there was a freedom of speech people were much safer. In 1933 when the Nazis were elected into government, people who were most vocal would be put into 'protective custody' ie. concentration camps. Later people could be executed for it. But the Nazis were very conscious of public opinion and had a department responsible for monitoring public opinion, and would change their policies if they were not popular.

How did Nazis gas people?

they put them in a sealed room with the gas