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Q: What happened when the congress and the States both printed money?
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What happened after congress and the states printed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of paper money to pay for the war?


Can money be printed by Congress?

yes money can be printed by congress

How and when money is printed in a economy?


Money may be coined or printed only by?

the congress

Money can be coined or printed only by?


What problems that faced the Continental Congress during 177517761777?

Financial Burdens'Paying for the war was a difficult task. Congress had limited resources. With no power to tax, Congress had to plead with the states for money. However, the states had little money themselves.To pay and supply troop, Congress printed continentals, paper money. But the more money Congress printed, the less the money was worth. By the end of the war, paper money had lost almost all its value. Something worthless was said to be "not worth a continental."'

Money may only be coined or printed by whom?


What the first money printed by Congress called?

A Continental.

Where is pper money printed?

In the United States, our paper money is printed at the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Who prints money?

My money (US dollars) is printed by the United States Treasury Department. My money (British pounds) is printed by the Royal Mint.

Why was it necessary for the second continental Congress to print it's own money?

The second continental congress printed its own money to pay for guns, food, and uniforms for soldiers.

Do Each state printed it's own kind if paper money?

No, all of the United States' states use federally-minted coins and federally-printed paper money.