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It really depends on which plague you got.

If you were to get the Bubonic Plague, you would suffer terrible pains in your armpit and groin area. You would also get a huge fever and a terrible thirst which no amount of water could quench. As well as having a huge fever you'd also find small black spots on you arms and legs. You would die with in 4-7 days.

However, if you got the phnemonic plague, you would under go an extremely painful cough and cough up blood as well as having a large fever. You would die in about two days of catching it.

There was also the black death which was when you turned the purpley blue color like when you get a bruise and your whole body got covered like that because you were bleeding under you skin. You would die in probably 1-2 days.
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12y ago

You start getting bubbly spots, and if you burst them then they will bleed and you will get bacteria starting to increase from where the spot was, so you will get harmed. Also, the spots start to get really itchy all around your body. All your nails fall off and you feel terrrible!

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