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When your muscles tighten they place more stress on your joints. I had a recent surgery because of not stretching with my sport.

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Q: What happenes when you tighten a muscle?
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you simply tighten your diafram muscle (tighten your stomach)

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Bronchoconstriction or bronchospasm is the medical term that refers to the contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles that tighten and squeeze the airway shut.

Do stomach exercises build muscle or just tighten existing ones?

I think stomach exercises will build muscle and tighten existing ones. Once you have tightened your stomach muscles using one routine, change it up a bit and build muscles in another area.

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The muscles constrict (tighten) and then relax to help pump the blood.

How do you tight the penis?

Without tensing the muscles of your leg, buttocks or abdomen, imagine that you are trying to control the passing of gas or pinching off astool. Or imagine you are in an elevator full of people and you feel the urge to pass gas. What do you do? You tighten or pull in the ringof muscle around your rectum - your pelvic muscle. You should feel a lifting sensation in the area around the vagina or a pulling in ofyour rectum.One exercise consists of both "tightening and relaxing" the muscle. It is equally important to control when your muscle tightens and re-laxes. Therefore, you should relax for the same amount of time you tighten. Be sure to relax completely between each muscle tighten-ing. There are 2 type of muscle contraction you will need to practice - Short quick contractions (2 seconds) and long (3-10 second) con-tractions. To do the quick muscle contractions, contract or tighten your pelvic muscle quickly and hard, and immediately relax it. For thelong or sustained contractions tighten your pelvic muscle and hold for a count of 3 seconds, then relax the muscle completely for acount of 3 seconds. Over time you will increase the length of time you tighten the muscle to 10 seconds.These exercises can be practiced anywhere and anytime. Individuals are instructed to do the pelvic muscle exercises (Kegels) threetimes daily. A minimum of 50-60 PMEs per day is recommended. A gradual increase in number of contractions over a period of PMEpractice has been shown to increase muscle strength significantly which in turn tightens your rectum.

Is walking good after dinner?

It makes your leg muscle tighten and its really unhealthy. wait 45mins-1hr before exercise

What causes veins to harden?

Stress because you tighten up. Make a fist right now and you will see your veins tighten. that's because you are stretching the vein and it applies pressure to the below muscle making it visible.

Which muscle works with the quadriceps as a partner?

the quads loosen and the calves tighten so that you can put your leg down or so that you can stand up.

What is the muscle that is developed when you do sit-ups and try to tighten the abdominal wall?

The rectus abdominis, the transverse abdominis, internal and external obliques