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Q: What happens If You Swallow A Canker Sore?
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What happens if you swallow puss from an ulcer?

Someone told me long time ago, if you swallow the puss that is in your canker sore/ulcer, you can most likely die from from it. because of this, the ulcer has poison in it from puss.

What is wrong if you are 15 and your tongue has red raised lumps at back underneath and side of tongue uncomfortable to swallow and sore throat?

It should be an precaution or symptoms of tongue sore or it may be canker sore

Can you still chew tobacco when you have a canker sore?

You can chew while having a canker sore on your lip. If you spit right where the canker sore is though it will burn so just be careful

Can canker sores hurt you?

A canker sore is an open sore inside the mouth, caused by various reasons including stress. They are not cancerous or contagious, and may or may not be genetic. There are no long term effects of having a canker sore.

What is canker sore in filipino?

Canker sore in Filipino is called "singaw." It is a small, shallow ulcer that can appear inside the mouth on the gums, cheeks, or lips. Singaw can be painful and may last for about a week.

Does ice hurt on canker sore?


What is aphthous stomatitis?

canker sore

Are the words canker and chancre interchangeable?

No, chancre and canker are not interchangable. A canker sore is a benign and painful sore on the mucous membranes. A chancre is a painless ulcer on the mucous membranes that is a specific sign of syphilis.

What is singaw in English?

Canker sore

What is the easiest and quickest remedy for canker sore?

Gargle or swish warm water with salt in it 2-3 times a day until the canker sore is gone. Salt is a natural healer and is great for canker sores.

What if you have a cold sore in your mouth after making out?

A canker sore can be caused by many things. See the related link for more information on canker sores inside the mouth.

How do you stop a canker sore?

You can't stop canker sores, but you can use different painkillers to ease the pain.