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you have to get a rabbies shot it wont hurt if you look a way

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Q: What happens a person after if one is bit with a dog?
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What happens if a dog eats a cigartte?

Dont worry nothing Happens My dog ate one and now she is fine.

What is one down fall of being a dog grooming?

you get get bit by the dog or you could get fleas

What is the best dog that someone should own?

one that is well trained. also, a dog that is a full breed. EX: my dog has a mom and dad that r both yellow labs. im not saying having a dog that has parents that r not the same is bad, but having a dog with the same type of parents is a bit more healthier, though it coast a bit more. be a nice person and get a dog from the pound!

What if your your dog bit a opossum?

Then your dog bit an oppossum,they are not known to carry rabies in fact they are one of the most cleanest outdoor backyard animal thingy ever

What happens when a dog bites a possom?

Because my dog got bit by one I can tell you how a cat reacts, my cat killed it.

How many dog years are in 1 person year?

7 dog years is one person year

From where does the phrase hair of the dog originate?

The full phrase is 'the hair of the dog that bit you' and means that the thing that caused an ailment can cure it too. The phrase originally comes from the ancient idea that the burnt hair of a dog is the antidote to the bite of a dog.

What is the difference between bit and bite?

there are 8 bits in one byte. 1000 bytes in one kilobytes to 8000 bits in one kilobyte hope that helps, lm 92 Well, that is a simple answer! "bit" is past tence. ( The dog "bit" me today.) And "bite" is future tence. (I "will bite" the dog back.)

What happens to a dog when it eats table scraps?

i think its "he gets splinters in his tongue" but i am doing the worksheet now and it is one letter short if you mean a real dog with real table snacks, then he will probably get fat and stuff

What happens if dog eats one pound of Swiss cheese?


Why does a dog follow one person wherever they go in the house?

The dog may has probably formed a stronger attachment to the person that it is following. This happens more often with an older puppy or adult dog that you have brought to your home. If you are the main caretaker and give the dog more attention then the other household members the dog will most likely attach themselves to that person. This can be seen more often in the breeds that are considered a "one man dog" breed.

How can one restrain a stranger's dog?

A person under attack by a stranger's dog can restrain the dog by using a leash or treats to keep the dog at bay. Having a person to hold the dog will also restrain it.