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You get the Chupacabra tooth to take to Harold Mews.

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Q: What happens after you let the chupacabra go on poptropica?
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What do you do on poptropica after you lose the chupacabra?

You pick up its teeth and go to mews

How do you collect evidence for the Chupacabra's existence on Cryptids island on Poptropica?

Go to Porto Rico. Talk to the man with the moustache by the jeep. Ask him where you can find the chupacabra. Then say your not scared. he will let you borrow his jeep. Go to the city north of the city you started at. Deliver the seeds. Walk left until you see a red tuff of fur on a fence. Click it. Go to Mews.

What do when the guy in Poptropica decides to cach the chupacabra in poptropica?

go to the star in the middle and put three sheep into the patch of darker grass and then get off of the jeep and just follow him

How do you prove the chupacabra exist on poptropica?

You have to round up the spotted goat that the chupacabra likes and get them to run to the weird skull thing. The farmer who lent you the jeep says he will come help you. After that go to the skull thing you hide and wait for the chupacabra. It escapes, but i think you get its tooth or something.

What do you do when you are in the factore in Poptropica?

You go to the guy in the cell and let him out You go to the guy in the cell and let him out

When was Let's Go Do What Happens created?

Let's Go Do What Happens was created in 1998.

How do you get the chupacabra tooth?

well if your talking about poptropica. first you go to puerto rico on the helicopter. then ask the guy next to the car if you can use it drive to all of the places on the map do not go to the middle. go back and then go to the one in the middle round up 3 deers you got chupacabra traped it gets out of the trap but it leaves a tooth. hope this helps :D

What happens after you used the rope in poptropica?

you go were ever the rope leads?!

You won Poptropica now what do you do?

You can either buy things in the store, go brag about it to your friends, or wait for Poptropica to let out a new island.

Why wont poptropica let you go right or left without logging you out?

It does let you do that. There must be something wrong with your computor.

Where isthejetpack in Poptropica?

if you go to the really high skyscraper,theres a giant who wants his golden egg back. go to the well in early poptropica,find it,and give it to him.he will let you go to his junkyard. its there

What if the crashed spaceship on poptropica is gone?

if it crashes go to the owner and he will let you make one