

What happens after you turn down a plea offer?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What happens after you turn down a plea offer?
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I signed a plea bargain but have'nt seen the judge yet.Can I still withdraw my plea?

Yes. Your plea of guilty would have to be accepted by the presiding judge, following a series of questions the judge will ask you concerning your plea offer and the fact that you're giving up your rights to a fair trial, that you have been explained by your attorney all the details of the plea offer, that if you're a non-US citizen or permanent residency you can be deported, and that you are pleading guilty because you are guilty (or it's in your best interest, a plea known as an Alford plea). If the judge is satisfied that you understand these ramifications they will accept the plea offer and then sentence you accordingly. If at any time before or during the above-mentioned questioning you want to withdraw the plea, you can do so. But once the judge accepts the plea offer and sentences you, you can't turn back.

If you turn down a plea offer and the judge keep resetting a plea and sound for five times your law is ready the state is readyto go to trial what can be done to get the ball rolling?

This is the wrong venue in which to ask your question. Your question states that you have an attorney. Your attorney is one you should be asking. Who knows? It might be part of his strategy in your case?

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No there was never an offer of a duet.

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They commit suicide

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Turn her down the same way you would turn down the offer from a man

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Then you turn down the light setting down to a lower Setting then what it was. Ok

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You should at least offer them something to eat if you are their host. If they turn down the offer, it's ok to eat.

Why did Lee turn down Linclons offer to lead the Union Army?

Because he felt that his first loyalty was to Virginia.

What happens if you are chosen to be a member of the jury and turn it down?

Better have a good reason or you may be seeing a judge.

You agreed to take a new job which you start in 2 weeks but you just got another offer that means you will not have to move what should you do?

You should absolutely take whichever offer is the best one for you. Do not feel guilty if that means that you have to turn down the first offer you had (the one that starts in two weeks). If you decide that the second offer (the one you don't need to move for) is overall the best offer for you, then, you should call the manager of the first job offer and politely explain that you must turn down their offer because you have received a new job offer that will work out for you best. You can be honest with them, they will understand.

How do you turn down a job after you already had the interview?

simple call & say you got a better offer or you decided to work elsewhere

If you apply for a credit card but you are offered a lower limit than you are expecting do you have to accept it?

No. You can turn it down, you never have to accept their offer.