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Q: What happens as people experience negative emotions?
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What emotions cause people to overeat?

Emotions that cause people to overeat is depression, anxiety, anger, sadness...any emotion that is negative.

Abnormal levels of hormones can cause people to experience an extreme of emotions?


Why do we suppress negative emotions?

Suppressing negative emotions as an adult can be the result of a certain coping mechanism one has adopted as a child. They may have grown up in families that did not encourage children to speak out their true feelings or disagree with their parents because it was seen as a challenge to authority in the family. Such children grew up as adult may always want to keep their emotions to themselves because they don't feel safe to share or they feel they won't be liked if they let their true emotions show. Not only unhealthy family dynamics can cause this, teachers, religious figures who did not show empathetic response when a child was expressing their true emotions can send a powerful message causing the child to shut down and push away their emotions. Adults who were hurt as children may feel uncomfortable facing their true emotions and may not even know how they really feel because they have become very good at suppressing them. However one cannot deal with emotions just by suppressing them without acknowledging and processing them. That's why people can get triggered emotionally just out of seemingly small things because there are bigger issues and emotions not resolved beneath all that.

How can emotions affect a person physically?

As far as negative emotions go, they can make a person lose all appetite (be completely grossed out by the thought of eating). People may over or under sleep, and are more likely to over-exercise if they are stressed. Oddly enough, hormonal changes caused by stress can make a person smell worse. Some people may experience aches and pains. Blood pressure may also be affected.

Can emotions last forever?

NO. Emotions only last as long as the people who have the emotions maintain those feelings. Since people do not last forever, neither do emotions.

Related questions

What emotions cause people to overeat?

Emotions that cause people to overeat is depression, anxiety, anger, sadness...any emotion that is negative.

Are people generally negative?

In my experience... Yes, most people are generally negative.

What emotion do people have?

There is a huge list of human emotions that we are capable of experiencing. However often times we only experience a very limited number of emotions. It is always the same few ; happiness, anger, love, confidence, anxiety, stress, relaxed. Ask people what emotions do they experience in a week and they'll invariably say those common emotions. The more type of emotions we feel, the more colorful our life experience will be. It is not that we can't experience a wide array of emotions, rather it is because we often label different emotions into a common group like happy or sad that we forget to experience that emotion for what it is.

What is the negative effect of technology on people's communication?

You cannot read the persons emotions

What is a gerneric term that covers a broard range of feelings that people experience?


Abnormal levels of hormones can cause people to experience an extreme of emotions?


WHAT is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience?

Emotions! Emotions displayed on the computer are called emoticons :D

What is Dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure?

The definition of Dissolute indulgence is ...An inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires.In my view there are sensual emotions and deep heartfelt emotions.There are the sensual emotions associated with sex and the deep heartfelt emotions associated with making love. Put another way, there are the emotions associated with matter and the emotions associated with Spirit.Everyone seeks emotions. The easy emotions to experience are the sensual emotions but they are not fulfilling like the deep heartfelt emotions.Never the less the deep desire to experience emotions means people will seek out and experience any emotions that they can.Dissolute indulgence has its roots in our deep desire to experience emotions.Finally I would note that the sensual emotions are DESIGNED to guide us into the discovery of the fulfilling deep Spiritual emotions.

Are gay people happy or just gay?

Gay people experience the same range of emotions as any other people.

Do people with autism learn how to control their emotions?

Autistic people (not people with autism) do learn to control their emotions, they have to for the sake of their own sanity and ability to function. Autistic people experience emotions in different ways to Neurotypical people, Autistic people are also more empathetic than Neurotypical people, which can be overwhelming if not controlled.

What emotions start with the letter D?


How do you define a swearword?

A swearword is an offensive word that people say to express strong negative emotions such as anger or fear.