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Q: What happens before a bar mitzvah?
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What do you call a Jewish ceremony for someone turning thirteen?

If youre a boy, your bar Mitzvah!! if youre a girl you do it at 12 and its called a bat Mitzvah! biggest celebration of every Jews life bigger than a wedding

What 2 Cerimonies happens to a Jewish Boy?

Circumcision and Bar Mitzvah

How does a boy feel before a bar mitzvah?

Proud, happy and nervous.

What happens after a bar mitzvah?

There is customarily a meal of celebration and gifts are given to the young man.

What is a Barmitsfar?

A bar mitzvah is when a Jewish boy becomes a man. This happens at the age of 13.

What happens after bar or bat mitzvah?

The young person is from that time obligated by the Torah commands.

What does a synagouge have to do with a bar mitzvah?

It is where the Bar Mitzvah ceremony takes place.

When does person have bar mitzvah?

A boy has his Bar Mitzvah at age 13.

Is it correct to call someone bar mitzvah?

Yes, the boy is called 'a/the bar mitzvah' which translates as 'son of mitzvah'. For a girl, it would be 'a/the bat mitzvah' 'daughter of mitzvah'.

What 3 important things happen in a bar mitzvah?

There are many details associated with a bar or bat mitzvah, but here are three:A bar mitzvah is a coming of age celebration, observed when a boy turns 13 (girls have a bat mitzvah at age 12 or 13).The boy is called to the Torah, either to read a portion, to say a blessings before and after a portion, or both.The bar mitzvah marks the occasion where the boy is fully responsible to fulfill all of the time-bound commandments that an adult must follow.

In Judaism can you get your tallit before you have your bar mitzvah?

In Jewish tradition, a boy does not wear a tallit intil he becomes a bar mitzvah (turns 13) as wearing a tallit is an adult obligation.

Can I buy traditional bar mitzvah gifts online?

Go the bar mitzvah sites to see what generally happens and is given on the occasion. There are modern day ideas to look over. Try to think modern and not traditional.