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In an animal cell the cell membrane is drawn inward until the cytoplasm is pinched into two nearly equal parts

In a plant cell a cell plate forms

In plant cell cytoplasm divides by the fornation of a cell plate,which extends across the entire equatorial plane until the two daughter cells become separated. In animals,cytoplasm divides by furrowing or inward pinching of a cell membrane resulting into two daughter cells. the two daughter cells which are formed are identical to their parent cell in all respect.

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The cell membrane protects the cell and acts as an exit for wastes.

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The cell membrane helps regulate what goes into and out of the cell. The membrane protects the inner cell from unwanted "intruders"

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Q: What happens during cytokinesis in plant and animal cells?
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What happens during cytokinesis in animal cells?

During cytokinesis in animal cells, the cytoplasm divides into two daughter cells, following the separation of the duplicated chromosomes during mitosis. A contractile ring composed of actin and myosin filaments forms at the cell's equator and constricts, pinching the cell into two daughter cells. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives an equal amount of cytoplasm and organelles.

What structure do animal cells have during cytokinesis that plant cells do not?

a cell plate

How is cytokinesis in cells similar to cytokinesis is animal cells?

Cytokinesis happens at the cell plate in the plant cell It happens at the ceavage furrow in the animal cell.... The only similarity is that it is the microtubules shortening and tightning until itll eventually pinch the mother cell into two identical daughter cells

What structure do plant cells have during cytokinesis that animal cells do not have?

Plant cells have a cell plate that forms during cytokinesis, while animal cells form a cleavage furrow. The cell plate is made of vesicles carrying cell wall components that fuse at the division plane to form a new cell wall. This structure is unique to plant cells and allows them to complete cell division without pinching in like animal cells do.

During cytokinesis in animal cells the cell is pinched in half by?

A belt of proteins

During cytokinesis what is a major difference between cell division in plant and animal cells?

The major in cell division (cytokinesis) in plant and animal cells is in plant cells, meiosis is only undergone from a spore to a sporophyte (from 2n to n) whereas in the animal cells, meiosis splits the sex cells into 4 new cells.

Which of the following is NOT true concerning mitosis?

Animal cells form a cell plate during cytokinesis while plant cells do not.

Cytokinesis occurs during?

Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm which begins after the nucleus has divided.

What structure do plant cells have during cytokinesis that animals do not have?

In cells with a cell wall plates forms and seperates the new cells which animal cels can not do.

Do animal cells undergo cytokinesis?


What structure do plant cell have during cytokinesis that animals cells do not have?

In cells with a cell wall plates forms and seperates the new cells which animal cels can not do.

What types of cells which would form a cell plate during cytokinesis human skin cell animal cell plant cell or an amoeba?

In plant cell, cell plate is formed during cytokinesis.