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The shortest day of the year,

the day that the north pole points the farthest from the sun.

As to who celebrates it - try Christians. Somebody confused his birthday with Mithra's about 1700 years ago.

Also Mythrians, druids, Wiccas, and any random worshipers of the sun.

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14y ago

Its the 21st December. Its the longest night and Pagans celebrate it.

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Q: What happens during the winter solstice and when does it occrur?
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How did the solstice affect people?

because the longest night of the year happens during the winter solstice

When is the winter solstice in Phoenix Arizona during 2007?

The winter solstice happens in one single moment for the entire planet, wherever you are. The 2007 winter solstice happens in Phoenix at 11:12 PM Friday Dec 21. Actually the winter solstice in Phoenix, Arizona will happen at 11:08 PM Friday, Dec 21 2007

What occurs on June 21?

A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.A solstice happens on the 21st of June or 22nd of June each year. In the northern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and in the southern hemisphere it is the winter solstice.

What hemisphere is tilted torward the sun during the winter solstice?

The Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun during the winter solstice.

What happens to the daylight hours in Winter?

They get shorter, because of the Winter Solstice. The winter solstice is when the shortest amount of day light hours acccure, and that day is on December 21. There is only 8 to 9 hours for a winter solstice.

Are days longer during a solstice?

No. At the summer solstice, the days are at their longest, but at the winter solstice, the days are at their shortest.

What describes the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere?

The southern hemisphere's winter solstice happens when the southern hemisphere is at its furthest tilt away from the sun, which happens around the 21st of June.

Days in the Northern Hemisphere have more hours of daylight during?

The days in the Northern Hemisphere have more hours of daylight during the summer months due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. This tilt causes the Northern Hemisphere to be more directly exposed to the sun, resulting in longer daylight hours.

Are the sun's rays vertical at the Tropic of Cancer during the summer solstice?

That happens on June 21.It's the Summer Solstice for the northern Hemisphere, but it's the beginning of Winter in the southern Hemisphere.

Why are the sunrise and sunset reversal times out of sync with the winter solstice?

The sunrise and sunset reversal times are out of sync with the winter solstice due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. During the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, causing shorter days and longer nights. The reversal of these times happens gradually as the Earth continues its orbit around the sun, leading to earlier sunsets and later sunrises during winter.

What are the differences between a winter and summer solstice?

For the northern hemisphere: During the summer solstice, the Sun is as far north as she can get. During the winter solstice, the Sun is as far south as she can get. For the souther hemisphere it is the other way round.

Can a winter's solstice happen on a leap year?

Winter solstice happens ever year in the latter part of December. Whether it is a leap year or not has nothing whatsoever to do with it.