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Q: What happens during vagal escape?
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What causes vagal escape?

when cardiac muscle begins to contract after a brief period of rest after vagal stimulation its initial strength of contraction increases to a plateau by staircase effect strong vagal stimulation of heart can stop heart beat for few seconds

Vagal escape occurs when heart is stimulated by what?

Vagal escape occurs when the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the vagus nerve, fails to regulate the heart rate and the heart muscle is instead stimulated by other mechanisms. This can happen in situations where there is a prolonged increase in sympathetic nerve activity or when there is a dysfunction in the parasympathetic nervous system.

What happens to animals during Mt Vesuvius eruptions?

The same as the people. They escape or die.

What happens when you press the escape key during a slide show?

In PowerPoint, if you press the escape key during a slide show It will stop the slide show.

Increased vagal stimulation would cause?

"Increased vagal stimulation would cause..." The heart rate to decrease.

What is the purpose of vagal nerve stimulation?

Vagal nerve stimulation is an alternative to medication or surgical removal of brain tissue in controlling epileptic seizures.

What is vagal nerve stimulation?

Vagal nerve stimulation is a treatment for epilepsy in which an electrode is implanted in the neck to deliver electrical impulses to the vagus nerve.

What is the function of the vagal lobe?

to sense taste :-)

How can the heart overcome excessive vagal stimulation?

The heart can overcome excessive vagal stimulation through sympathetic reflexes and the initiation of a rhythm by the Purkinje fibers.

What nerve conveys parasympathetic signals to the heart?


What happens if you see a black widow?

Nothing happens better you get escape from there

Does the vagus nerve stimulator cause vagal inhibition?
