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Q: What happens if CSF is not drained properly?
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What if CSF is not drained properly?


How much of cerebroespinal fluid in circulation?

The CSF(cerebrospinal fluid ) is produced at a rate of 500 ml/day. Since the brain can contain only 135 to 150 ml, large amounts are drained primarily into the blood through arachnoid granulations in the superior sagittal sinus. Thus the CSF turns over about 3.7 times a day.

What is in CSF?

CsF is the chemical formula of caesium fluoride.

Is chiari 1 malformation also known as hydrocephalus?

No, but chiari malformation can cause hydrocephalus. In chiari malformation, the hindbrain sits low. This can constrict the normal passageways for CSF (cerebral spinal fluid). If the CSF can't flow properly, it builds up. This is known as hydrocephalus.

Is glucose found in CSF fluid?

Yes. Glucose is found there in CSF fluid. CSF glucose level is commonly done by your doctor.

What is the normal flora of CSF?

there ara no microbial normal flora in the csf

What contains CSF?

The spine and brain contain Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

When was Colnago-CSF Bardiani created?

Colnago-CSF Bardiani was created in 1982.

Why is csf protein in newborn is high normally?

Since blood-csf barrier is not well developed in neonates protein leak from blood to csf csf protein is high in neonates and infants...for similar reason csf protein is elevated in all meningitis due to vascular permeability...

What happens if you do eat properly?

Eating properly is good for your health.

What is CsF in chemistry?

CsF is the chemical formula of caesium fluoride.

Can you get an infection in your cerebrospinal fluid?

Yes you can get an infection in your CSF. This can happen for many resons. Usually happens after respiratory infection. Can also occur after spinal surgery.