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If a Muslim don't pray through denying praying intentionally and knowengly, then he/she is considered unbeliever and out of Islam. However, if he/she doesn't pray but not denying the praying requirement then he/she is a sinful Muslims. Refer to question below.

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A person who does not believe in Allah or God is not a Muslim, since Islam is a religion that revolves around a single God. Most Islamic teachings say that those who do do not follow Allah or God will be eternally punished.

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It depends on what the question is asking.

If the question is asking from a theological point of view, "What is the religious status of Muslims who do not believe in God?" -- the answer is that they are no longer Muslims. Belief in God is mandatory, according to Islam, for a person to be a Muslim. There are some people who were born as Muslims who do not believe in God. Most of these people self-define as Ex-Muslims or simply Atheists. A small minority choose the label "Cultural Muslims" because they may have similar views of morality and/or still participate in Islamic holidays and familial traditions.

If the question is asking as a function matter, "What will come to pass for Muslims who do not believe in God?" -- the answer is contingent on a number of factors. The most important factor to consider is whether or not the Ex-Muslim is open an honest with his family about his disbelief. Usually, Muslims do not suspect if loved ones have left the faith and it is estimated that the bulk of Ex-Muslims still feign to be Muslims because they are worried about repercussions that may occur if their families discover that they have left. If the Ex-Muslim "comes out" to his family, usually, this does result in negative repercussions. This is not to say that there are not good families that accept and try to understand the Ex-Muslim member, but this is the minority. The negative repercussions usually include: being disowned, being kicked out of the house (if they are young children living under their parents' roof), humiliation in the community, isolation (not be spoken to), and in some more traditional areas in the Islamic World, targeted killing (sometimes even government condoned or government-led).

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