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For the first time since well, l952-53 the United Kingdom will have a King- a male monarch! Charles III if he is alive and well. Coins, stamps, etc will have to be redesigned, a big shake-up- last time a Sovereign Queen of England died was back on January 22 of l90l when Victoria passed on.- There was close to a year of mourning ( not to mention retooling of coins, stamps, etc) and King Edward was not officially crowned until l902. True, Queen Mary died in l953, but she was a dowager Consort ( spousal) Queen and not a Queen regnant.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The next in line after Prince Charles is his eldest son, Prince William.

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12y ago

His son, Prince William, will become the Prince of Wales and the heir to the throne of England.

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14y ago

Prince William will be the one to succeed the throne in the case of the event of Prince Charles of Wales dying before Queen Elizabeth.

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12y ago

No. She may abdicate freely, stepping down from the role.

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6y ago

The line of succession stays the same it would pass from Charles to Prince William at that point

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4y ago

Prince andrew

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Karen Simpson

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3y ago
I was told it would be Anne because it is the eldest child of the reigning sovereign and girls have now the same rights as boys so it will be Anne not Andrew or William !!

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Q: What happens if Prince Charles were to die before Queen Elizabeth II?
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Who will follow Queen Elizabeth to the throne of England?

Prince Charles is next in line. Considering that Queen Elizabeth is now in her eighties, and Charles is in his sixties, there is a possibility, however, remote, that Charles will die before becoming king. In that event, Charles' first-born son, Prince William, will become king.

Can the throne go directly to William from Queen Elizabeth?

Yes Queen Elizabeth can choose to make William the King before she passes away thus by passing Prince Charles. But if she were to pass away without doing such the throne would go to Prince Charles.

Who does the throne go to after Prince Charles dies?

If Charles dies before Queen Elizabeth dies, then Prince William will be first in line. If Charles dies while he is king (having succeeded Elizabeth to the throne), then Wlliam becomes king and his eldest son (supposing there is one) will be heir to the throne. If William does not have children, then his younger brother Harry will be first in line.

When Queen Elizabeth dies does Prince Philip get dethroned and must he vacate the Palace?

If Queen Elizabeth dies before Prince Philip does, then he will not be King, as he married into royalty. Her son, Prince Charles (married to Camilla, was married to Diana, father of William and Harry) will become King of England.

Is Prince Charles wife upset over the choice of Prince William being king?

Prince William has not been chosen to be king. When Queen Elizabeth II dies the next in line to the throne is her eldest son, Prince Charles. Should Prince Charles die when he is king the next in line for the throne would be his eldest son, Prince William. The rules which govern succession to the throne have been around for a long time, they are not personal choices and the Duchess of Cornwall was well aware of them before she even married Prince Charles.

Related questions

What happens if Prince Charles dies before he succeeds?

The next person in line to the British Crown is Prince Charles' eldest son, Prince William, and William would the inherit the throne from Queen Elizabeth II.

Who will follow Queen Elizabeth to the thrown?

Her eldest son, Prince Charles, will succeed the throne (note spelling) upon Queen Elizabeth's death or her abdication. If Charles dies before Elizabeth then Charles' eldest son - Prince William - will become king.

Will Charles be the Prince of Wales forever?

Maybe, if he dies before his Mother Queen Elizabeth II he'll never be anything other than Prince of Wales, if his Mother dies before he does Charles will become King.

Who will follow Queen Elizabeth to the throne of England?

Prince Charles is next in line. Considering that Queen Elizabeth is now in her eighties, and Charles is in his sixties, there is a possibility, however, remote, that Charles will die before becoming king. In that event, Charles' first-born son, Prince William, will become king.

Can the throne go directly to William from Queen Elizabeth?

Yes Queen Elizabeth can choose to make William the King before she passes away thus by passing Prince Charles. But if she were to pass away without doing such the throne would go to Prince Charles.

Who does the throne go to after Prince Charles dies?

If Charles dies before Queen Elizabeth dies, then Prince William will be first in line. If Charles dies while he is king (having succeeded Elizabeth to the throne), then Wlliam becomes king and his eldest son (supposing there is one) will be heir to the throne. If William does not have children, then his younger brother Harry will be first in line.

If Prince Charles dies who becomes 1st in line why not his brother?

If Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales dies before his Mother Queen Elizabeth II, Charles' oldest son, Prince William will become Heir to the Crown. The Reason that Charles' Sons and not his Brother the Duke of York would become Elizabeth's heir is because that's the way the British monarchy works, rights are past parent to child, so because Charles is first in line so will his son be.

Which Prince Charles will inherit the throne?

Prince Charles (1948- ) will become King either upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1926- ) or if she decides to abdicate. However, if he dies before his mother then the throne will pass to his eldest son, Prince William (1982- ). If he does become King then he will become Charles III. The last King Charles we had in this country was Charles II (1630-1685).

What was Princess Diana's husbands name before Prince Charles?

She was never married before she married Prince Charles.

Who was in line before Prince William?

Prince Charles

When Queen Elizabeth dies does Prince Philip get dethroned and must he vacate the Palace?

If Queen Elizabeth dies before Prince Philip does, then he will not be King, as he married into royalty. Her son, Prince Charles (married to Camilla, was married to Diana, father of William and Harry) will become King of England.

Will Prince William succeed Queen Elizabeth II?

There's a chance he might do so directly. Prince William is second in line to the throne, after his father, Prince Charles. When Queen Elizabeth II passes on the crown, by death or voluntary act, one of the following will happen. 1 - Prince Charles takes the throne as King Charles III. Prince William is therefore the heir apparant, the next in line. Barring his own death or other exceptional circumstances, he will eventually become King. 2 - Prince Charles refuses the crown, allowing William to directly succeed from Queen Elizabeth II.