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Then I guess that means you have the responsibility of making sure that foal does get enough milk, and that means bottle-feeding it yourself.

In addition to the above answer, if the foal is old enough it would be better to feed the foal a milk re-placer from a bucket rather than a bottle. If the mare seems to be having trouble during nursing you should call an equine vet to come out and check the mare, she might have an infection that is making it painful for her to have the foal nursing and she pushes it away too soon. A lack of milk can also be caused by improper nutrition during pregnancy. This can be remedied a bit by adding alfalfa to the diet which will provide extra nutrients to the mare and allow for better milk production.

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The initial milk (colostrum) contains all the essential antibodies for immunity that transfers to the foal from nursing and into the foal through what is essentially an open gut. Once the foal's gut "closes" the large molecular weight antibodies cannot enter the bloodstream and the foal has lack of passive transfer or failure of passive transfer.

A foal that does not nurse can be given colostrum or plasma orally through a nasogastric tube while the gut is still open.

Once the window of opportunity for oral introduction of antibodies is passed, the next method is transfusion of plasma into the bloodstream.

If the foal received adequate colostrum and fails to nurse subsequent to getting adequate transfer...the foal can still be ill as good results on an IgG test is not

a guarantee that the foal wasn't commpromised in utero.

Since foals have very few energy reserves it is critical to determine the rootcause and address it as quickly as possible. Generally, this means veterinary intervention.

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Can you give a 7 month old foal cow milk?

Although it can be given it does not contain the right nutrients for the foal and the foal will not do well on it at all.Goats milk would be a better alternative and foal milk replacer would be best. You can also hire a nurse mare if you can afford it.

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Is true of feeding an orphan foal?

You can use a goat to raise an orphan foal, at least partially. However, the goat may not produce enough milk as the foal grows and there is a difference in the amount of fat in the milk of goat and horse. Also, it gets tough for the foal to nurse from the tiny goat as it grows. You may prefer to milk out the goat and feed the foal by hand. I would suggest that you feed at least partially with a mare's milk supplement available from your feed store to make sure the foal gets the proper nutrition. Leave the goat in with the foal. Goats make lovely companions for horses and your foal needs a companion as much as milk.

Can a mare continue to produce milk even after her foal Is weaned?

Only if she's been nursed by another foal who's been stealing milk from her. Otherwise, no, the mare should start the drying-up process after her foal is weaned or after she has weaned her foal by herself.

What age can a bottle feed foal be taken off milk?

Most orphan foal milk products are designed for the foal to be weaned at 2 to 3 months of age (about the same amount of time a foal gets it's primary nutrition from mare's milk). While the foal can be fed milk supplements through the 6th month the amount needs to be reduced as solid feed intake increases to limit inflammation of the growth plates.

What are milk hairs on a foal?

A horse's first coat

Does a foal die if he doesn't have milk after 2 hours?

Yes he does.

What is the earliest a horse will produce milk?

When a mare is in foal they typically dont begin to produce collostrum (what the foal will drink until the true 'milk' is created a few days or week after it is born) until 1-3 days before the foal is born. Some mares will produce days, and even possible weeks in advance. It is also possible to not produce the first milk until after the foal is born.

How long is a foalborn when the milk comes from the mother or mare?

The mare should begin producing milk shortly before the foal is born. A foal generally stands within an hour or so after birth, and the mare should already have plenty of milk for him.

Does the female horse feed it foal?

Yes, a mare is a typical mammal giving milk from it's teats to it's offspring, the foal.

How does the mare of a newborn foal care for it?

they give it milk and keep it safe

Is it normal to have a Brooding mare to stop producing milk when the foal is only a couple months old and does that mean she is pregnant?

Depends, how many months. If its been six months its okay because its time to wean the foal. If its only two months then you might want to call your vet. They have a shot that makes them produce milk, it just depends on how old the foal is. And no it doesn't mean she is pregnant, she can still produce milk if she is pregnant and has a foal.